The reason to go skiing is to party - skiing itself is secondary!

Bundesliga Afterski

Did you miss the skiing season this year? Or did you take a look at Lust Jucie's crutches and decided to find a less dangerous sport? We got you - this year's CH3 birthday party will give you an opportunity to experience the best part of a ski holiday - an after-ski!

So take your ski pants out of the closet, dust your goggles, and sin up for the best CH3 birthday party since 2022!

Frisky afterskiers

Date: 18-MAY-2024 18:00
Venue: Borgbjergsvej 30,1 , 2450 København SV - Rejseplan
Price: DKK 485

Signup for CH3 Birthday Party 18-MAY-2024
Who is coming for CH3 Birthday Party 18-MAY-2024